EOS Hot Sauce #26

EOS Hot Sauce is a weekly digest of all the hottest news from around the EOSIO ecosystem. The space is evolving so rapidly it can be hard to keep up! We keep on top of it so you don’t have to.


EOSIO 2.0 

Block.one has released the much-anticipated EOSIO 2.0 – just 2 weeks after EOSIO 1.8 was activated on the EOS public network! The code contains many new features and is currently being tested by the Block Producers. The improvements in performance are significant and so far no problems have been reported. Let’s take a look at what’s under the hood of EOSIO 2.0:

  • EOS VM: This is a high-performance WebAssembly (WASM) engine and it’s specialized for blockchain applications. Processing smart contracts with EOSVM will use network resources like CPU and RAM more efficiently and boosts overall performance substantially. It’s 6x faster than the web assembly engine currently used in EOSIO 1.8, and 12x faster than the engine used in 1.0.
  • EOSIO Quickstart Web IDE: EOSIO 2.0 comes with its own integrated development environment (IDE), which will make life much easier for EOSIO blockchain developers. It’s a web-based toolset that runs in any browser and is set up in minutes.
  • WebAuthn Support: EOSIO 2.0 supports the absolute latest in security standards, namely WebAuthn, a web standard published by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C). Signing transactions will be easy without the need of any additional software, such as wallets. Users can simply generate keys and store them securely on existing devices with a password, fingerprint or face detection. Or they can use a YubiKey.
  • Weighted Threshold Multi-Signature Block Production Support: A new variation of MSIGs that allows block producers to use different keys to sign blocks on primary and backup block production hardware.

EOS Nation was excited to upgrade our nodes on the jungle testnet and take EOSIO 2.0 for a test drive! As you can see in the graphic shared below, the improvements in performance compared to the previous version are staggering! Significant testing will need to be done, but if everything goes well, we could see the blazing fast speeds of EOSIO 2.0 live on the EOS public network before the end of 2019!

Dan Larimer followed it up by teasing the community with hints about EOSIO 3.0, which focuses on scaling RAM and greatly enhanced database API and database performance. The foundations of EOSIO have never been stronger! 

EOSIO 2.0 release article
WebAuthn Website
Teasing EOSIO 3.0


StrenghtEARN the network. Your stake, your rewards.

We are excited to announce that our proxy portal now supports automatic claiming of inflation redistribution for all our stakers! 

The process could not be easier. For new users, all you need to do is visit proxy.eosnation.io, log in using any of the provide methods and click the “DO IT” button.

This will generate a transaction containing 2 actions:
1) Setting your stake to our proxy4nation (or proxy2nation, both offer equal rewards)
2) Signing up to our proxy to receive your share of the inflation

Approve the transaction and that’s all there is to it!

For users who were manually claiming rewards, any claim from now on will activate the auto-claim for you!

Also, as a daily bonus, we give a bit of CPU to all of our stakers.

EOS Nation Proxy – Staking Philosophy and Vision

The EOS Nation Proxy only supports Block Producers that we believe bring value to the ecosystem. Based on our deep involvement in the EOSIO ecosystem, this judgement is based on our prior experiences working with Block Producers and our general observations. We judge selection based on several factors including competencies and/or contributions in these areas:

1- Technicality
2- Community
3- Governance
4- Fiscality / Entrepreneurship / Business model
5- Geographic Diversity
6- Value-Add Diversity

Thank you for supporting EOS Nation and helping us achieve our vision for a healthy ecosystem!

EOS Nation Proxy

Rio Blockchain Week & EOS Community Conference

The EOS Community Conference 2019 in Rio is welcoming EOS thought-leaders, developers and Block Producers from all over the world this week. The organizational team did a great job putting together an interesting agenda and the schedule of all the activities and speakers has already been published.The ECC is part of the Rio Blockchain Conference on the 15th of October, which addresses general blockchain topics as well as offering practical blockchain workshop for developers.

The EOS Nation team will be well represented at the event through CEO Yves La Rose, COO Daniel Keyes and EOS Nation Ambassador Stuardo Rodriguez and our Platinum Sponsorship! As expected, our team members will be attending and participating in the activities throughout the week and we encourage you to come say hi! Yves will be giving two talks as he speaks on stage about the “EOS Community Moving Forward” and “BOS Governance” while also being on a panel discussing “EOS Governance.” EOS Nation’s COO Daniel Keyes will be giving an introduction to EOSIO during the Rio Blockchain Conference as well as facilitating the unconference, which the whole community is invited to participate in!

Those of us not lucky enough to make it to Rio can take solace in the fact that we will still be able to watch all the talks livestreamed on YouTube! The live chat is sure to be active, allowing the whole EOSIO community to come together as we watch the streams from all over the world! To get into the mood of the conference, we encourage you to watch the latest video by EOS Rio giving us a glimpse of what we can expect this week!

Join us and let’s keep building on change!

ECC Preview Video
ECC Schedule
Oct 15th: Rio Blockchain Conference
Oct 15th: Rio Blockchain Conference Livestream
Oct 16th: EOS Community Conference
Oct 16th: EOS Community Conference Livestream

StartEOS Formal Verification Project

StartEOS Formal Verification Project

The security of smart contracts is essential for the safety of users’ funds. A few bad lines of code can create a lot of FUD, even going so far as harming the reputation of the underlying blockchain protocol. To prevent such incidents, developers are well advised to get several audits from security experts, and users should insist on such audits before depositing large amounts of funds in an account controlled by a smart contract. While there are many great teams for security audits, the ultimate goal must be an automated process. And the Starteos team just made a huge step in this direction with their First Global EOS-Based Formal Verification Project.

Formal verification uses logic to verify the credibility of a program to get the expected results without bugs.

Mr. Ang Li, the founder of the project and the CEO of Starteos, said:

“We should focus on the realistic and applied features of this formal verification project, and we aim to create a big product that will not only serve for StartEOS but also for the whole EOS society and the entire blockchain industry.”

The Blockchain Technology Research and Application Joint Laboratory (a Starteos established company) and the University of Electronic Science and Technology of China (UESTC) worked on this project in stealth mode for the last 18 months and have now released their results in a detailed article on Steemit.

The current system includes four different roles:

  • the Users: Upload an EOS Smart Contract to the system for testing
  • the Analyst: Audit submitted code of Smart Contracts
  • the Evaluators: Arbitrate the Smart Contracts that are in dispute
  • the Administrators: Manage the permissions of the website

All of them are connected through a smart contract and the future goal of the project is to reduce human intervention in order to scale and serve larger numbers of users and developers.

For now, we would like to congratulate the team for reaching this first milestone and are looking forward to hearing further news from this exciting and extremely important project.

Formal Verification Project Article


E-commerce payments on the blockchain became much more feasible since BOS, the Business Operation System, introduced the 3-second LIB, which enables almost instant settlement of transactions. Another problem for merchants that accept cryptocurrencies as payments is the volatility of these crypto assets. Stablecoins could help in this regard, and Bitfinex is doing their part by bringing USDT onto the EOS network. The BOSCore team quickly reacted and made USDT also available on BOS by introducing BOS IBC (Inter Blockchain Communication) for USDT, making instant payments with non-volatile crypto assets possible.

We’re happy to announce that TokenPocket, one of the most popular wallets, has already supported the BOSIBC USDT transfers. Let’s see what happens next as we keep breaking down barriers to mass adoption!

Interested in earning a few of BOS tokens while also supporting the EOS Community Conference at the same time? Check out Tojukaka’s recent post that explains how to easily participate!

5M USDT on the EOS Public Network
How To Earn 100 BOS Tokens

#WaxPerts & #AskWAX

#WaxPerts & #AskWAX

With creative initiatives like WaxPerts, it’s no wonder the WAX community keeps growing! The new reputation system on Telegram rewards the most active, supportive and knowledgeable community members as they accumulate points on their way to becoming WAXPerts.

How does it work? Simply join their Telegram Chat to earn or share reputation points (/rep or +1’s) and those who get to the top of the leaderboard will be rewarded with WAX merchandise!

Not a WAXPert yet? They also got you covered as they just introduced #AskWAX Tuesdays, a Twitter initiative that will answer all your questions about the project. Just Tweet your question with #AskWAX and @wax_io and the team will answer.

If you want to support WAX getting listed on Binance, give some love to @weed_miner, who suggested WAX for the next community coin.

WAX Telegram
Support WAX to get listed on Binance

LiquidApps' vCPU & DAPP Knights

LiquidApps’ vCPU & DAPP Knights

As one of the most exciting projects on EOS, LiquidApps is well known in the community and continues to build up a reputation as a flexible 2nd layer scaling solution. It provides a wide selection of services not just for EOS, but also for other blockchains. The team has an impressive track record, and having recently released DSP 2.0, the future looks bright for dApps!

LiquidApps is thrilled to announce the first release of vCPU, a way to scale blockchains’ processing power horizontally, while providing far more computing power per action than a native blockchain can provide. vCPU harnesses DAPP Service Providers (DSPs) to execute processing tasks in parallel before returning results that can be compared on chain. This way, developers can access an exponentially greater supply of decentralized computation, making their applications significantly quicker and more affordable to build. You can also check out the first real-world implementation of vCPU running within our private testnet chess game at chess.liquidapps.io.

Besides the technical innovations, the team led by CEO Beni Hakak became a vocal advocate for more open-mindedness within the crypto community, writing articles on the topic and reminding everyone that we all share similar goals.

It’s easy to get passionate about the LiquidApps approach, and the DAPP Knights came to life to channel the worldwide enthusiasm for the project! This program is open to anyone and holds regular challenges to promote LiquidApps solutions to the wider crypto community.

Congratulations to the winner of the previous DAPP Knights Challenge, Telegram user @TheRealNicolasFlamel, who managed to put LiquidApps on the radar of the famous Crypto Youtuber, Ivan On Tech.

During the EOS Community Meetup in Soul at the beginning of October, the LiquidApps team met with Ivan, which resulted in an extensive interview with Beni about EOS in general, and LiquidApps more specifically.

What a great success for the DAPP Knights, LiquidApps and the whole EOS Community!

Want to join the DAPP Knights? Fill out the form we linked below and jump right into the current DAPP Knights challenge! The task is to find a catchy slogan for the project – and if you come up with a funny meme to give your catchphrase a visual, you’ll earn extra points.

Post your slogan to Twitter and use the hashtag #DAPPKnights to complete the challenge.

DAPP Knight Meme submission from EOS Nation’s Martin Breuer

Still figuring out what the DAPP Network is all about? The brand-new LiquidLearn initiative will allow you to earn some DAPP tokens while getting familiar with various concepts! There has never been a better time to get involved with the DAPP Network!

Beni Hakak interview on Ivan on Tech
DSP 2.0 release
vCPU Release
Sign up for DAPP Knights
Learn to earn DAPP tokens

High Fidelity

High Fidelity

As one of the first projects to receive funding from EOS VC ($35M from Galaxy Digital), High Fidelity is one of the much-anticipated projects to go live on EOSIO. However, due to the slow development and adoption of VR technology headsets, the company decided to shift its focus from the more general use of VR in gaming into a more specific use-case, and worked on a solution to conduct online meetings remotely. Such meetings would take place in the so-called Metaverse, which does not rely on the use of VR hardware and therefore increases chances of wider adoption.

Since the most important measure for a platform’s popularity are user numbers, we think it’s a wise decision to react to current market realities and avoid hurdles for early users. This move makes a lot of sense given that High Fidelity CEO Philip Rosedale previously developed the popular virtual civilization Second Life, which is populated by one million active users generating $700M USD in annual transaction volumes. The High Fidelity team recently encouraged their followers on Twitter to take a few minutes to create a 3D Avatar to use either in Desktop or in VR mode, indicating that some nice progress has been made since the pivot in May.

Creating a 3D Avatar can be done with just a smartphone after downloading an app from their website. The process feels rather neat and the resemblance of the facial features is astonishing.

Having your own 3D Avatar in the Metaverse is just the beginning. You can already start building your own virtual place once you visit the High Fidelity Open Source VR platform. Make sure you visit the marketplace, where you’ll already find an interesting selection of pets, furniture, soundscapes, and items like a teleportation button or confetti gun. It’s your metaverse, build what you want!

High Fidelity Pivots (May 2019)
Make Your 3D Avatar
High Fidelity Blog

EOSLocally: P2P EOS to FIAT

EOSLocally: P2P EOS 2 FIAT

Peer-to-peer exchanges were an important factor in the adoption of cryptocurrencies since they created the opportunity to trade crypto against a large variety of FIAT currencies. We’re happy to report that EOSLocally, the first P2P platform specifically for EOS, announced that they’ve begun their beta testing phase.

All transactions are managed on-chain and secured by an escrow until the end of the trade. Another massive advantage of EOSLocally is the speed of EOS transactions, while P2P platforms for other tokens are still dealing with endless confirmations or network congestion.

As a special offer, the first 2000 users that successfully finish a trade will get a lifetime of fee rebates. Go check it out and start trading!

EOSLocally Introduction
EOSLocally Platform
Thank you for reading this week’s edition of EOS Hot Sauce!

EOS Nation is a top Block Producer on the EOS public network. We earn inflation rewards based on the percentage of tokens staked towards us. Those rewards are reinvested into EOSIO community, tools, and infrastructure. Help grow the ecosystem by staking your vote to eosnationftw for BP or proxying to proxy4nation

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Disclaimer: The information provided above does not constitute investment advice, financial advice, trading advice, or any other type of advice whatsoever, and the information on our website should not be trusted as such. We present this information to you as general market commentary. The information does not constitute investment advice or any professional financial advice of any sort whatsoever. We do not advise or recommend that you buy, sell, or hold any cryptocurrency, digital token, ICO, or digital asset whatsoever. We advise users to conduct their own due diligence and consult with a qualified financial advisor before buying, selling, or holding any type of digital asset or cryptocurrency. We will not be held responsible for any investment decisions made based on the information provided on the website.

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Daniel Keyes

Chief Operating Officer (COO)
Responsibilities include: product management, operations, community
Location: Toronto, Canada

Prior to founding the first EOS community in Toronto and co-founding EOS Nation, Daniel spent a decade in the financial technology industry working several diverse roles. His extensive experience in customer service, sales, sales coaching, agent training, digital marketing, digital process management (lean green belt), and product management (certified scrum master, certified product owner) eventually lead him to consulting for a blockchain dev shop.

Daniel earned a Bachelor of Journalism from Ryerson University in 2009 and worked as a chase producer intern at Global TV.

Daniel lives by the principles of Truth, Love, and Freedom.