EOS Hot Sauce #39 – EOSIO 2.0 Release, Voice CEO, #Dacathon2020 and tons of updates!

EOS Hot Sauce is a weekly digest of all the hottest news from around the EOSIO ecosystem. The space is evolving so rapidly it can be hard to keep up! We keep on top of it so you don’t have to.

EOSIO 2.0 Upgrade Process and Voice CEO

EOSIO 2 has been officially released and the excitement in the community is palatable! 

EOSIO 2 brings with it enhanced performance, improved security and new developer tools. Dive into the official release article to learn more about the four major components included in EOSIO 2: EOS VM, EOSIO Quickstart Web IDE, WebAuthn Support and Weigted Threshold Multi-Signature Block Production Support.

Many in the community are now wondering how quickly block producers will upgrade to EOSIO 2 and we would like to shed some light on the implementation process. First, let’s review the work that EOS Nation has done on EOSIO 2.0.0 since the first “release candidate” was made available in October 2019:

First we needed to check how things work on test networks like Jungle and Kylin. Testing occurred incrementally, proceeding through each step once confident that things were working properly:

  1. Deploy the EOSIO binary first on API and P2P nodes.
  2. Deploy EOS VM on API and P2P nodes.
  3. Deploy the same (as 1 and 2) to producing nodes.
  4. Deploy the same (as 1 and 2) to state history nodes.
  5. Repeat as necessary as new information becomes available and changes are released.

Once the test networks had EOSIO 2.0 binary and EOS VM, we started running tests on EOS Mainnet, starting with the P2P nodes. Testing on EOS Mainnet is necessary because the transaction volume and number of peers is significantly higher than on any test network. During this testing phase, many discussions were had with Block.One to troubleshoot issues and then deploy changes.

The current status of EOS Mainnet deployment at EOS Nation is that steps (1) and (2) are completed. We are still testing EOS VM on test networks and are not yet ready to deploy it to our block-producer nodes.

Moving forward, here is the process to get the network fully upgraded to EOSIO 2.0:

  • All nodeos users (dApps and block producers) need to do their own independent reviews and tests
  • DApps need to make any changes to accommodate 2.0 (there are some API incompatibilities documented by Block.one)
  • Block producers need to upgrade all their API/P2P nodes to 2.0
  • Block producers need to upgrade producing nodes to 2.0
  • Block producers need to switch to EOS-VM on API/P2P nodes
  • Block producers need to switch to EOS-VM on producing nodes

Block producers will follow their own schedule for how deployment will be done. However, once a block producer rolls out EOS-VM on their block producing nodes, actions will get less expensive on the network. Consequently, any EOS node not upgraded may have problems keeping up with the additional capacity, meaning that some coordination is required for a smooth rollout.

We expect that it will take 8 weeks or more for the network to be successfully and fully upgraded. It’s important to note that not ALL block producers should immediately upgrade to 2.0. Instead, upgrades should happen in a gradual fashion once each block producer is ready in order to reduce risk to the network.

In addition to the EOSIO 2.0 binary and EOS-VM, there are new protocol features that can be activated. This will require a 15/21 MSIG to approve and will be initiated after the above steps are completed.

EOS Nation now has two months of experience running EOSIO 2.0, having deployed 14 different binary releases since the first 2.0.0 release candidate was made available. We’ve taken the role of ‘early adopter‘ to roll out EOSIO 2.0, while other block producers are taking a more conservative deployment schedule. Both roles are needed to make EOS Mainnet successful.

In other massive news, Salah Zalatimo has just been announced as the CEO of Block.one‘s upcoming social media platform, Voice! As the former Global Chief Digital Officer at Forbes, we think this is an amazing choice for a CEO and hints at some of the bigger ambitions that Block.one has through Voice. We all know social media platforms have become defacto news sites so this choice of CEO makes a lot of strategic sense to us. We are more excited than ever for the upcoming beta release of Voice!

Also, its good to see Brendan Blumer and Daniel Larimer being more active with public communications! Brendan was especially active on Twitter over the holidays, garnering a lot of positive attention from the community. Fans of Daniel Larimer will  be happy to learn that he has been invited to be a keynote speaker at the U.S. Capitol as part of the event series, “The Future of Money Governance, and the Law.” on Jan. 31, 2020. 

Brendan and Dan are also listed as contributors to the newly created Nakamoto platform, which is “a venue for quality technical, philosophical, and cultural writing that is of general interest to the crypto community as a whole, for beginner and expert alike.” The content published so far on Nakamoto has been extremely high quality and we’re excited to see what kind of articles the two leaders of Block.one will be publishing. Will they be highly technical articles detailing the state-of-the-art technology that powers various EOSIO networks around the world? Or will they instead focus on mass-adoption through a revolutionary social platform that offers fantastic user experience and unprecedented access, control and transparency over data? Let us know what you think in the comments below!

And finally, congratulations to EOSFlyToMars for producing the 100 Millionth block on the EOS public network! Block.one and block producers have learned a lot during these first 100 million blocks and we’ve been hard at work building the foundations of the largest and most capitalized Delegated Proof of Stake network in the world. EOS is just getting started and the innovation we’re going to see in the next 100 million blocks is going to be spectacular! Did you notice we’re also up to 1.7M accounts now? Let’s go EOS!

KROWN's #Dacathon2020

On January 11th-12th, the EOSIO Community came together for their first event in the new year. The first of its kind, the “DACathon 2020: The Future of Organizations” was sponsored by the KROWN DAC. Participants from all over the globe joined this virtual conference with the common goal of accelerating DAC adoption and tools.

During the event, all participants cooperated to successfully create a DAC from scratch while discussing all the important parameters. They then launched their customized DAC Model on the Jungle Testnet, distributed their governance token, and voted their first set of custodians. The result was the MetaDAC, whose mission is “to promote DACs through community engagement, technology, tools and strategic design.” The central element and software tool used throughout the event was the DACFactory by eosDAC, which was presented by Luke Stokes. The presentation, along with many others of the event, can all be found on KROWN’s Youtube Channel.

Besides Luke’s DAC Factory Walkthrough and the recording of the DACathon’s Livestream, you’ll also find Brock Pierce talking about the potential of DACs and EOS Nation’s own Yves La Rose as he shares his thoughts on DACs and their influence on the design elements of the Worker Proposal System reboot for the EOS public network.  Those who want to watch the entire livestream will learn a lot about what to consider, including technical steps, when setting up a DAC. 

True to their mission, the custodians of the MetaDAC are currently working on their next steps and we’re looking forward to further updates. DACthons, educational content, tools or campaigns to promote the potential of DACs are all possibilities that are currently being explored. If this sounds interesting to you, make sure to join the conversation on Telegram or on Twitter!

EOS Nation wants to thank everyone who organized and participated in this fantastic event. Kudos to all the organizers, to Jun Dam for being an awesome host, to KROWN DAC for sponsoring and to eosDAC for coding such a great tool.

DACs are the future of decentralized cooperation and the necessary tools for the adoption of the DAC model are being built on EOSIO.

EOSIO Networks

It was yet another exciting week for WAX as they continue to grow their developer community, forge partnerships, and produce great content. The latest news this week concerns the integration of LiquidApps into WAX! Don’t you love it when two of your favorite projects collaborate together? WAX developers can now utilize amazing DAPP Network services like LiquidLink, LiquidOracles, vRAM and the ZeusSDK!

These solutions boost WAX’s scalability and cross-chain compatibility with EOSIO chains as well as other blockchains like Ethereum, Bitcoin, and others. It’s like having a Rosetta Stone for the major blockchains.

As part of their ongoing efforts to create a great environment for developers, the WAX testnet is now live! This testnet allows developers to troubleshoot their WAX smart contracts in safe environment and also comes with a Quickstart Tutorial, which helps users through the setup process. Tokens and resources are free on the testnet, allowing developers to test their applications at no cost.

A new partnership was announced between WAX and Colletrix, a Hong Kong-based “one-stop-shop” solution that enables owners of intellectual property to sell their branded items directly to customers. These physical items will be delivered as an NFT and physically redeemed later. Colletrix also plans to build a marketplace powered by WAX, so that their customers can trade their NFTs on the Wax Blockchain.

WAXP, the token that powers the WAX Blockchain, was added on the OTC trading platform EOSLocally and can now be bought or sold in a peer-to-peer  manner for cash or via online payment in the currency of your choice. Along with the announcement, the EOSLocally team also published a short summary explaining how users can trade WAX on the platform.

In the newest episodes of the WAX ON series, William Quigley once again shares valuable insights and shows his passion to educate the crypto community on fundamental knowledge. This time he gives answers and examples on “How to value Crypto Tokens? and talked about “3 Crypto Milestones that will launch it to the moon.”

We recommend all our readers watch these new episodes, as they put things in perspective – short and sweet, as usual.

On the 5th of January, someone spent a staggering 1.17M BOS in order to rent over 22M BOS from REX! Since the recent REX fix was implemented before the massive loan, the 1.17M in BOS fees is going to be evenly distributed among 12 hour staging pools over the course of 30 days. This means that users who are currently holding BOS on exchanges or staked for resources they’re not using can transfer their BOS into REX to take advantage of these outrageous REX returns.

BOS Community Manager (and EOS Nation Ambassador) Tojukaka wrote a nice article about the situation and also included easy to follow instructions for those who want to move their BOS into REX.

For those of you who rather trade your BOS instead of moving it into REX, TokenPocket has you covered! The popular wallet has added BOS as one of their tradable assets, which means that users can easily trade BOS for BTC, USDT, EOS, ETH and many others!

Finally, BOSCore participated in the recent #Dacathon2020 by elaborating on adopting the Borda Count Voting Mechanism that has been implemented on BOS and how it can be used in collective decision making. 

Decentralized Blockchain Applications

David Liebowitz of Everipedia shared an in-depth article explaining why he believes the platform would benefit from the implementation of writer-guilds, a potential feature the team wrote about in a Medium post on July 2019.  It would allow IQ token holders to not only earn through actively contributing content and voting, but also earn passively through delegating their vote to more active community members, who then would share a part of their rewards. He also explained how such staking pools would steer the platform automatically in the direction to produce content that the majority of token holders would be interested in. Furthermore, he suggests the creation of staking pools and the option for token holders to suggest a certain topic for a page and create an additional incentive for the editors through tipping. 

All these new features sound very innovative and interesting, and while not rolled-out yet, we appreciate the open and detailed discussion on how such new features would be best implemented.

The Emanate team deployed the much-anticipated Alpha 1.1. Update of their EOS powered music streaming platform. Here are some of our favorite features of Emanate:

  • Search function 

If you follow Emanate on Instagram, you’ll know that they constantly onboard new musicians. And with the new search function you can find those musicians instantly. 

  • New filter

A new filter mode for the “listen” function lets you choose between the “most recent” or “most popular” tracks.

  • Track Promo Pages 

Each individual track has a page which makes sharing your favorite Emanate tracks across social media very easy. As an incentive to try this new sharing feature, the Emanate team will randomly reward users that share tracks on Twitter. All you have to do is share the link on twitter and tag @emanateofficial and the artist whose track you shared.

Curious about what else comes with Emanate Alpha 1.1.? Find out in their official announcement on Medium.

WordProof just recently presented their impressive track record of 2019, and it comes as no surprise that the team competes with 21 other finalists for the Blockchain for Social Good EIC Horizon Prize. The finalists pitched their projects in front of an EU commission on Friday, January 10th in order to receive 1 of the 5 grants, each worth 1 million Euros. We have our fingers crossed for the WordProof team and are excited to learn about the results soon. In the meantime, take some time to check out how easy their auto time-stamp feature works, which we also use for the EOS Hot Sauce publications. 

After making Upland available for download on Android and iOS, the team was quick to release their roadmap, which is labeled “U2020 – A ROADMAP FOR MASS ADOPTION.”

It’s packed with really exciting stuff and the goals are colour-coded from “high confidence” in green to “slight chance” in orange. We’re happy to report that much-anticipated features like “Trading for Fiat,” “New Cities,” “Tavel between cities,” “Treasure Hunts,” “Live Events,” “Toggle Real Wold Data,” “Desktop Version,” and many more are all marked green. 

Like the game, this roadmap is professionally crafted and shows the clear vision the team has for Upland. If you’re new to Upland, we recommend checking out the recent podcast interview or the guide for beginners.

Collaborations, Partnerships and Interoperability

On top of releasing a great guide to creating LiquidAccounts, the LiquidApps team also participated in a lively Everything EOS podcast episode! Zack makes for a great host as he welcomes 2 heavy hitters this week: Beni Hakak, CEO of LiquidApps alongside our very own Yves La Rose, CEO of EOS Nation.

This 70 minute episode is jam-packed with some fascinating and high quality information about the DAPP Network, LiquidX, and child chains. We also discuss some of our own projects like the story of the Proxy4Nation and the upcoming Worker Proposal System reboot, which is being worked on by EOS Nation and AtticLab.

For those who don’t want to watch the full episode (why not??) here are some timestamped topics:

4:10 – How Yves and Beni met each other
9:04 – The story of the EOS Nation Rewards Proxy
21:26 – LiquidX migrates DAPP Network to ALL EOSIO chains
28:50 – LiquidX child chains expands the possibilities of dApp architecture “chose your level of trust”
40:42 – LiquidX child chains allows sharding
45:28 – Beni is a published author on real time gross settlement on blockchain
56:29 – Breaking down the walls of tribalism
1:00:42 – Upcoming EOS Nation plans: Rebooting the Worker Proposal System
1:05:45 – LiquidApps Usage Grants

The Equilibrium team shared some exciting news about their collaboration and upcoming integration with pTokens by Provable (ex-Oraclize). The creation of pegged tokens like pEOS (not to be mistaken with the EOS based privacy token), pEOSDT, pETH or pBTC would allow Equilibrium to extend its reach across blockchain protocols, gain more liquidity and become a chain agnostic DeFi project in the long run. Currently, the team has pEOS and pBTC running on a test net and aims for the main net release in Q1. DeFi might well be the unifying use case that all crypto users deem equally valuable, while stablecoins backed by a diverse portfolio of various leading crypto assets could also help to reduce tribalism in crypto. We all share similar goals afterall. It’s great to see Equilibrium opening up on that front and showcasing the flexibility of EOSIO to the wider crypto crowd.

MEET.ONE released the 3.0 version of their popular mobile wallet and the update shows clear indicators that multi-chain support is a much-desired feature by their users. The integrated MEX exchange allows instant trading and the “Clock in” function offers free CPU to users, as well as buying further CPU resources at a competitive rate. Within the wallet, you can discover games, dApps, useful tools, financial products and also receive 24 hour breaking news. Learn more about all the new features and improvements in the release article.

Chintai 2.0 is being rolled out and a BOID leasing market was launched as the first of many to follow. BOID miners can now lease BOID tokens to optimize their BOID power in order to increase their mining rewards while BOID investors can earn passive income through lending their unused BOID tokens to the miners. Chintai users new to BOID are well-advised to get familiar with the BOID token economics before entering the market.

The BOID Project crowdsources spare computational power for purposeful causes such as cancer research. Mining can be done from most desktop computers and allows users to allocate unused CPU processing power in order to contribute to solving hard scientific problems.

Newdex continues to be a leader in EOSIO innovation while building bridges between blockchains to offer their users a smooth multi-chain trading experience. The recently launched USDT crosschain conversions allows users to easily swap between Tron, EOS and Ethereum. They’ve also publishing a tutorial on the new feature.

Furthering the cross-chain functionalities on Newdex, the EOSIO Trading Zone was created and we’re excited to see which blockchains they will be adding in the future!

We discovered a new educational platform this week that we’d like to share. EOSIO.Support allows you to quickly find answers or tutorials regarding a variety of EOSIO networks. It’s great to see multiple educational content platforms on all things EOSIO! We think is a clear indicator that the community is healthy and growing. Where do you find your sources for educational content on EOSIO? Let us know in the comments!

The Vibrant EOSIO Community

“It’s been just over a year since the EOS Global Hackathon series concluded, so we’re taking a moment to recap what went down, but to also look forward. We’re checking in with some of the past winners and competitors on how their projects #BuiltOnEOSIO are progressing, where they’re at, and what they’re doing next.” – Block.one, “Hacking On, One Year On”

Event: EOS Vancouver presents: Learning about Blockchain Technology

Join us the last Thursday of every month at the HiVE Vancouver’s longest-standing coworking space that operates as a non-profit society.

Address: 210 – 128 West Hastings St. Vancouver BC, V6B 1G8 @ 7:00 PM.


We are thrilled to be able to bring key EOS players together and co-host this series of EOS events and meetups.

EOS Vancouver: Community-minded blockchain enthusiasts helping to educate and promote the technology.

Chelsa Meadus
EOS Vancouver

EOS Nation is a top 21 Block Producer on the EOS public network. We earn inflation rewards based on the percentage of tokens staked towards us. Those rewards are reinvested into EOSIO community, tools, and infrastructure. Help grow the ecosystem by staking your vote to eosnationftw for BP or proxying to proxy4nation

Remember, we never accept compensation in exchange for featuring projects in the EOS Hot Sauce. That means if a project is included in the EOS Hot Sauce, it’s because we believe that project brings value to the EOSIO ecosystem and we want our community to know about it!

Are you building an interesting project on EOSIO? Are you hosting an EOSIO event soon? We want to hear from you! Reach out to us on social media or by email at info@eosnation.io.  

Thanks for supporting EOS Nation and for reading this week’s edition of EOS Hot Sauce! Want more spicy updates? Check out some of our recent EOS Hot Sauce episodes!

EOSQ Has Been Discontinued

Find alternatives to explore the blockchain. The EOSQ block explorer is no longer available. Find alternative explorers for EOS, WAX, and Telos, and visualize token transfers with EOS and WAX Detective. Or use Substreams, Subgraphs, and the Pinax Antelope API to build your own!

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dfuse Has Been Discontinued

Access Chain Data With a Free Pinax Pro Plan Learn why dfuse services are no longer available in our announcement. Follow the instructions to replace dfuse with Subgraphs, Substreams and the Pinax Antelope API. Native endpoints are still available from EOS Nation.

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Antelope Spring v1.0 升级指南  

2024年9月25日星期三,EOS 区块链上的节点(BPs)即将执行一次硬分叉,升级至Spring v1.0 blockchain software,完成节点升级并进行 go/no-go 投票。 此次新版本发布引入了新的 Savanna 共识算法,节点也将在9月25日当天激活该算法。 同时还引入了 BLS finalizer keys,所有节点必须使用 spring-util 生成,并在9月25日后使用 eosio regfinkey 操作注册。 升级步骤 所有节点运营商必须在9月25日之前完成以下步骤: 1. 生成快照   2. 停止 nodeos   3. 删除 shared_memory.bin   4. 升级节点软件至 Spring v1.0.0   5. 从每个节点配置中删除 producer-threads 选项   6. 使用 spring-util 生成 finalizer key(s)   7. 从快照重新启动节点   9月25日,网络预计将签署多签交易以激活 BLS 协议功能,允许节点注册其 finalizer keys。 8. BLS 协议功能激活后,使用 eosio

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Daniel Keyes

Chief Operating Officer (COO)
Responsibilities include: product management, operations, community
Location: Toronto, Canada

Prior to founding the first EOS community in Toronto and co-founding EOS Nation, Daniel spent a decade in the financial technology industry working several diverse roles. His extensive experience in customer service, sales, sales coaching, agent training, digital marketing, digital process management (lean green belt), and product management (certified scrum master, certified product owner) eventually lead him to consulting for a blockchain dev shop.

Daniel earned a Bachelor of Journalism from Ryerson University in 2009 and worked as a chase producer intern at Global TV.

Daniel lives by the principles of Truth, Love, and Freedom.