EOS Hot Sauce is a weekly digest of all the hottest topics from around the EOSIO ecosystem. The space is evolving so rapidly it can be hard to keep up! We keep on top of it so you don’t have to.

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EOS PowerUp Model Update

EOS PowerUp Model Update

In EOS Hot Sauce Episode 86 we covered the Block.one rebrand for the new resource model: the EOS PowerUp Model. Since then, EOS Nation has been busy getting it ready for deployment.

Most of the work required to make such a fundamental change to the underlying base layer of the EOS Mainnet goes mainly unnoticed by most token holders as it’s simply too technical in nature.

Earlier in December 2020, the Block.one Public Blockchain Engagement team released a modeling tool designed to let developers run simulations of different resource renting models. This was great as it let us do some much-needed fast forwarded projections of the transition to come.

This week, we released a new tool that is easy to use by all and will help us come up with PowerUp Model parameters in anticipation for our recommendations and inevitable deployment. This simulates the fee to reserve a certain percentage of network capacity for a period of 24 hours (24H) once we are fully transitioned over to the new PowerUp Model.

Note that the numbers below are simply examples, these are not the suggested parameters, which are yet to be determined.

Here’s how to use it: 

You pick how much you want to rent (0.00001%-100%) and set the desired model parameters (exponent, min price and max price).

For example, if you set the exponent at 4, a minimum price at 10,000 and max price at 400,000 (these should be the default parameters upon tool load) you would see that you would need to pay ~20 EOS to rent 0.1% of the full network capacity (~34 seconds of CPU) for a 24H period when the network is utilized at 30%.

For perspective, historically, REX prices have been fluctuating between 1.8 EOS and 12 EOS per 0.1% per 24H, depending on the CPU market. To note, REX does not allow the renting of resources for less than 30 days, so it’s not a direct apples to apples comparison, but it does give a general idea.

Alongside the new tool, we are also releasing a rough timeline of steps to come, keeping in mind this is subject to change:

  •  Determine and settle on launch parameters
    •  End of January 2021
  • Creation of accounts, deployment of contracts;
    •  First Half of February 2021
  • Initialize the PowerUp Model and start transition;
    • End of February 2021
  • Fully transitioned over to the new PowerUp Model;
    •  Early to mid-April 2021

General FAQ for the new PowerUp Model

  •  Staking CPU/Net will no longer meaningfully allocate CPU/NET under the PowerUp Model once fully diluted. You do still technically get resources when delegating, but very diluted. That is based on the config option target_weight_ratio. If target_weight_ratio is set to 1% then the old model will get you 1% of what it used to get you. Effectively most accounts will get no resources from delegatebw. This is a technical requirement as setting the target to 0 would cause the cfgpowerup call to fail;
  • Staking CPU/NET will still allow you to vote for producers;
  • Lending to REX earns you all system rewards + powerup, no need to do anything if you’re already in REX;
  •  Lending to REX still gives you the same voting rights as you currently have;
  • At a high level nothing changes in terms of voting, everything is the same;
  • REX now has a new revenue bucket and voters will no longer have CPU/NET; and,

 Voting doesn’t change whatsoever, for example, B1 still has the same voting power and no proxies will be affected.

dotGems EOSIO NFT Publishing & VanCity Outbreak

.gems building in the cryptovoxels virtual universe

3- dotGems’ EOSIO NFT Publishing House & VanCity EP2

dotGems is EOS Nation’s EOSIO NFT Publishing House that’s focused on onboarding new artists into the blockchain space while offering innovative and groundbreaking content experiences by operating on the bleeding edge of art, crypto and virtual reality.

Our dotGems Art Director, Martin Breuer, is a published artist whose paintings have been sold in well-respected international galleries in the traditional art world. Martin was first introduced to blockchain when a collector offered to pay for artworks in bitcoin. After a short trip down the crypto rabbit hole, Martin emerged motivated to join the blockchain space and has spent the last 3 years working for EOS Nation as our Regional Director in Asia. He’s been critical to EOS Nation’s success and we’re very excited for him to be leading this project as we leverage his unique talent stack to build a long-lasting brand in the fast-growing NFT and virtual-reality space.

While our previous NFT projects have been published on WAX, we are very motivated to publish on EOS in 2021. Stay tuned to our dotGems socials as we’re about to announce our first EOS NFT series intended to kick-start the NFT community on EOS! Martin has come up with a great concept that we think the EOS community will both enjoy and appreciate. 

Our mission for dotGems is to be innovators and leaders in this space for years to come. Our first unofficial project was the EOS Hot Sauce Race for Rares, which leveraged NFTs to increase social media engagement. It was a success and our exclusive collection of Spicy Rares, Golden Chilies and WAX-backed NFT trophies was well-received by the community. We look forward to sharing details about future seasons of the EOS Hot Sauce inspired Spicy Rares!

Along with NFT releases of all kinds, dotGems also plans on delivering public goods for the entire EOSIO NFT space. So far we have released both our WAX NFT Survey results as well as our NFT Release calendar as products designed to help grow the community and support other content creators in the space. We’re not charging anyone to be included in the calendar – we’re all about collaboration and always open to hearing your feedback or suggestions. Have questions you’d like answered in our next NFT Survey? Know of a release you’d like us to add to our calendar? Let us know! Reach out to us on Twitter or better yet join our growing dotGems community on Telegram!

Our first official NFT release as dotGems was the VanCity Outbreak series published on WAX on Halloween of last year. VanCity Outbreak is a high quality graphic novel created by Reid Lucier of Whiplash comics and being released as an NFT collectible series. Whiplash Comics uses real actors and real locations and tells stories through the medium of a camera by creating stunning visuals through composing the photographs.

Our first VanCity Outbreak episode pioneered the concept of a “fair-drop,” which was enabled by the powerful Bountyblook airdrop. Our NFT ‘packs,’ which are called Survival Drops, all have equal chances of low mints regardless of when you purchase them. This distribution style was very well received by our community and is coming back for Episode 2. Of course we’re also introducing some new and exciting innovations that we haven’t yet seen in the WAX NFT space. We’ve increased the quantity and quality of the art and technology that’s powering this release and we can’t wait to share it with all of you.

Our most exciting innovation for this release introduces the dotGems custom-built NFT Battle smart contract. Collectors who purchase our VanCity Outbreak Survival Drop EP2 are guaranteed to get at least 2 battle-ready NFTs that can be sent into battle and boosted by weapons also found in the drop. But be careful, this is a high-stakes battle! Losing NFTs are burned while winning ones are returned along with an additional WAX-backed “+1 Kill Score” NFT. We’ve allocated a prizepool of $1000 of WAX to be given away in this battle and we’re also awarding our Collectors Edition NFT to all accounts who get at least 1 kill, while the lowest mints go to the accounts with the highest kill count. VanCity Outbreak Episode 1 NFTs can also be sent in to boost your character by a small amount, if you don’t mind burning them. We’ll share more battle details and instructions next week and we hope to see you on the virtual NFT battle field!

But wait, there’s more! The VanCity Outbreak EP2 graphic novel is 35% longer than the first one, which enabled us to include a lot more content in this release. Including the new weapons, we have doubled the amount of unique NFTs that can be collected in EP2, many of which are now high-resolution images. We had more amazing art to work with, which allowed us to include 14 stunning Ultra Rares this time instead of 3 in the first episode.

We’ve also unveiled our VanCity Outbreak showroom in the CryptoVoxels metaverse!  Inside you will find a preview of the art contained in our release along with a fun scavenger hunt that can be completed within our showroom. Those who complete the hunt before the end of the sale will earn a bonus bundle of weapons for the upcoming Human vs Zombies NFT battle!

We invite you to join the fun and participate in our VanCity Outbreak Episode 2 NFT release. Our Survival Drops (pack equivalent) go on sale on the WAX network on AtomicHub at 12pm ET on Saturday the 16th of January.

  • Total Supply: 6000 Survival Drops
  • Cost: 100 WAX per Survival Drops
  • Sale lasts 48 hours, all drops have equal chances at low mints

Survival drops include:

  • 4x-5x Comic Book Pages (common, night vision)
  • 1x Outbreak Human (battle character)
  • 1x Outbreak Zombie (battle character)
  • 2x weapons (battle booster)
  • 1x Rare (attack, bloodrush, twilight, panic)
  • Chance at Ultra Rares

And finally, stay tuned to our dotGems socials as we’re about to announce our first EOS NFT series intended to kick-start the NFT community on EOS. Martin has come up with a great concept that we think the EOS community will really enjoy and appreciate.

Follow us on Twitter, hop into the dotGems Collectors Club on Telegram, and join us for what is sure to be a fantastic, art-fueled blockchain adventure!

EOS Nation is a top Block Producer on the EOS public network. We earn inflation rewards based on the percentage of tokens staked towards us. Those rewards are reinvested into EOSIO community, tools, and infrastructure. Help grow the ecosystem by staking your vote to eosnationftw for BP or proxying to proxy4nation

Remember, we never accept compensation in exchange for featuring projects in the EOS Hot Sauce. That means if a project is included in the EOS Hot Sauce it’s because we believe that project brings value to the EOSIO ecosystem and we want our community to know about it!

Are you building an interesting project on EOSIO? We want to hear from you! Reach out to us on social media or email info@eosnation.io. 

Thank you for supporting EOS Nation and for reading this week’s edition of EOS Hot Sauce! Want more spicy updates? Check out some of our recent EOS Hot Sauce episodes!

Antelope Spring v1.0 升级指南  

2024年9月25日星期三,EOS 区块链上的节点(BPs)即将执行一次硬分叉,升级至Spring v1.0 blockchain software,完成节点升级并进行 go/no-go 投票。 此次新版本发布引入了新的 Savanna 共识算法,节点也将在9月25日当天激活该算法。 同时还引入了 BLS finalizer keys,所有节点必须使用 spring-util 生成,并在9月25日后使用 eosio regfinkey 操作注册。 升级步骤 所有节点运营商必须在9月25日之前完成以下步骤: 1. 生成快照   2. 停止 nodeos   3. 删除 shared_memory.bin   4. 升级节点软件至 Spring v1.0.0   5. 从每个节点配置中删除 producer-threads 选项   6. 使用 spring-util 生成 finalizer key(s)   7. 从快照重新启动节点   9月25日,网络预计将签署多签交易以激活 BLS 协议功能,允许节点注册其 finalizer keys。 8. BLS 协议功能激活后,使用 eosio

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Antelope Spring v1.0 Upgrade Guide

On Wednesday, September 25, block producers (BPs) on the EOS blockchain will execute a hard fork to the Spring v1.0 blockchain software, having upgraded their nodes and engaged in a go/no-go vote.  This new release includes the new Savanna consensus algorithm, which BPs will activate the same day, September 25.  It also introduces BLS finalizer

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Old dfuse Tech Discontinued: New Antelope Services Available

With better solutions already available, dfuse services will end on September 25, 2024. TL;DR: dfuse services will be discontinued on September 25, 2024, as Pinax transitions to more advanced, efficient alternatives like Substreams and Firehose for Antelope blockchain data sourcing. With the EOS Network’s Spring 1.0 upgrade happening on September 25, 2024, EOS Nation has

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Disclaimer: The information provided above does not constitute investment advice, financial advice, trading advice, or any other type of advice whatsoever, and the information on our website should not be trusted as such. We present this information to you as general market commentary. The information does not constitute investment advice or any professional financial advice of any sort whatsoever. We do not advise or recommend that you buy, sell, or hold any cryptocurrency, digital token, ICO, or digital asset whatsoever. We advise users to conduct their own due diligence and consult with a qualified financial advisor before buying, selling, or holding any type of digital asset or cryptocurrency. We will not be held responsible for any investment decisions made based on the information provided on the website.

Daniel Keyes

Chief Operating Officer (COO)
Responsibilities include: product management, operations, community
Location: Toronto, Canada

Prior to founding the first EOS community in Toronto and co-founding EOS Nation, Daniel spent a decade in the financial technology industry working several diverse roles. His extensive experience in customer service, sales, sales coaching, agent training, digital marketing, digital process management (lean green belt), and product management (certified scrum master, certified product owner) eventually lead him to consulting for a blockchain dev shop.

Daniel earned a Bachelor of Journalism from Ryerson University in 2009 and worked as a chase producer intern at Global TV.

Daniel lives by the principles of Truth, Love, and Freedom.