EOS Hot Sauce #56: Hyperion 3.0, Sense Chat 2.0, Decentralization of Equilibrium, Understanding dfuse for EOSIO and More!

The EOS Hot Sauce is a digest of all the hottest EOSIO news from around the world. Curated and packaged in written, audio and video format for you each and every week. 

Hyperion 3.0

The much-anticipated release of Hyperion 3.0 is now ready for prime-time action on your favorite EOSIO networks!

Hyperion is an open-source history API developed by EOS Rio that was launched 1 year ago as a solution to a significant history bottleneck on EOS at the time. Since then, more than 12 teams have helped EOS Rio as they’ve continued to improve Hyperion to adapt it to the current and ever-evolving needs of the community.

According to the team, “the EOS Mainnet is the most demanding data environment in the blockchain space by far” and Hyperion is designed to handle it. Hyperion is also available for developers on other EOSIO networks such as BOS, Worbli, Ultra and others. 

New features in Hyperion 3.0 include:

  • Streaming
  • API polyfills for v1
  • Modularized parsers
  • Integrated lightweight explorer
  • More advanced filtering and sorting on queries
  • Enhanced performance
  • Improved documentation
  • Full project conversion to Typescript
  • Installation script
  • Hyperion Docker

The world before Hyperion

dApps, block explorers, and wallets must read through historical information to work properly and offer the features token holders are looking for. This is done by querying the API of an EOS Mainnet full history node provider. For a smooth experience, all of this is abstracted away from the user and runs seamlessly in the backend. The availability of high-quality, low latency history API services is critical to support the development of any blockchain ecosystem. However, running such nodes was becoming increasingly expensive, complex, and time-consuming.

Difficulties in providing reliable and sustainable historical chain data can hinder EOS’ capacity to meet scalability expectations. In light of this, the EOS Rio team set out to analyze what could be done to optimize history services on the EOS Mainnet early in 2019. They quickly learned that the deprecated History API v1 stored a lot of redundant information (for end-user history purposes), such as inline action traces nestled inside the root actions. This led to an excessive amount of data being stored and transferred whenever a user requested the action history for a given account.

The birth of Hyperion History

Hyperion History implemented a new approach to data structure and storage:

  1. Actions stored in a flattened format;
  2. Parent field added to the inline actions to point to the parent global sequence;
  3. If inline action data is identical to the parent, it is considered a notification and thus removed from the database;
  4. No blocks or transaction data are stored, all information reconstructed from actions; and,
  5. No transaction validation information is stored, as all information can be verified on the block information using the Chain API.

With the above approach, the API format focused on delivering shorter response times, lower bandwidth overhead, and easier usability for UI/UX developers. The optimized data structure, deployed as an Elasticsearch cluster, also reduced CPU and bandwidth consumption making infrastructure more scalable, as well as allowing database size reduction of about 85%.

To further improve performance, they engineered a multi-threaded indexer that extracted data from the state history plugin, allowing for faster ingestion times with the proper hardware optimization, as well as introducing an “ABI History Caching Layer” component to prevent deserialization failures when parallel processing historical data over ABI modifications.

Another example of added benefit was the integrity check scripts that continually scan the database for missing blocks and repair them automatically. Crash recovery features like this make it easier to operate Hyperion, significantly reducing downtimes and replay times, making it even more reliable.

All and all, this significantly reduced database size and the costs of maintaining a full history node.

Hyperion 3.0 is the next evolution of this valuable history solution and we encourage our subscribers to read the release article to learn more about the new features. And those who want a deeper technical look can view the release tag on GitHub or browse the revamped documentation.

Sense Chat 2.0 Sneak Peak

EOS Nation was honoured to be invited to the first of a series of private webinars for a sneak preview of the upcoming Sense Chat 2.0, which will be released this summer. What we saw has us excited for this new chat app!

What is Sense Chat?

Sense Chat is the first crypto-enabled messenger built to share, organize, and reward your communities and friends. It uses a cryptocurrency called SENSE, which you earn at an hourly rate each day you’re active on the platform. And the more active you are, the more SENSE you earn, since your hourly earning rate is increased the more activity you do and achievements you unlock! Then you can use that SENSE to promote content, reward contributors, secure the network, and prevent bots and spam.

Sense Chat has implemented some unique security measures and features to restrict bots and spammers from joining the chat app, without the use of KYC. Users can be verified through vouching, which requires someone to stake SENSE tokens towards the account they want to vouch for. A blue checkmark on a profile indicates to you that this user has been vouched for! You can also see who else has also vouched for this user, allowing you to quickly identify potential imposters. Another great anti-spam feature is the fact that in order to private message someone, you also need to send them 1 Sense token, which serves as a way to protect your inbox from unwanted messages.

Community channels can be setup where only the owners can create posts and members can comment, or they can be open for everyone to post. As a an anti bot and spam feature, joining a community channel requires users to stake SENSE. You can always reclaim your stake if you leave the channel or are booted out. Private groups on the other hand have a maximum of 50 people but have the added benefit of being fully encrypted. And finally, the new SenseID removes the need for EOS accounts to join the service and allows users to sign in with a simple email and password login. Here’s a video showcasing how easy and intuitive it is to join a channel and send a message.

Sense Chat was created because the team believes other messengers are nonsense. They’re not built for handling large communities and compromise users’ identity and data. Sense Chat is encrypted for security and allows you to get rewarded for your actions, without exposing personal data like your phone number or contact list. Sense Chat is the first messenger that gives you security and community all in one.

If you’re a community owner, Sense Chat provides better tools to engage and organize your members, while contributors get rewarded with SENSE. Whether you’re a musician incentivizing your fans to promote your concert, a nightly gaming guild trying to reward members for performing well, or a brand trying to motivate your customers to share new offers, you can reward your members with SENSE. Building your community on Sense Chat… makes sense!

Sign up for early access to Sense Chat to claim your username and start earning SENSE before everyone else! Refer friends to get it sooner.

Interested in being a community leader on Sense Chat? Send a message to Crystal Rose to get an invite for an upcoming private webinar.

Decentralization of Equilibrium's Governance Framework

We’re proud to join EOSDT governance in order to help increase the decentralization of Equilibrium’s on-chain financial services! By adding Binance, eosfinex (Bitfinex), EOS Cannon and EOS Nation to the process of upgrading or changing the EOSDT smart contracts, Equilibrium has significantly increased the level of decentralization of their framework.

It’s an honour to be trusted alongside great teams to help secure DeFi on EOS!

For those who are unfamiliar with the financial services offered by Equilibrium, here’s the list of services currently available:

  • EOSDT as DeFi leader on EOS
  • Collateralized stabletoken issuance
  • Earn staking rewards
  • Earn interest on your stablecoins
  • Lend & Borrow crypto assets
  • Allows users to use leverage
  • EOS collateral voting rights are controlled by the NUT governance tokens
  • Insurance policy and investor protection through the Stability Fund

All of these services are are built on smart-contracts that are controlled by Equilibrium. Thanks to EOSIO’s advanced permission structure, smart-contract mutability on is completely customizable based on the user’s needs. In this case, as we can see in the picture below, Equilibrium has updated the permission of these two crucial EOS accounts: “eosdtsttoken” and  “eosdtnutoken“.

As we can see, the required weight to change the smart contracts controlled by “eosdtnutoken@active” is now 42, with each of these accounts having the following weight:

  • binancestake@vote (+1)
  • eoscannonchn@active (+1)
  • eosnationftw@active (+1)
  • equilibrium@active (+40)
  • finexcosignr@active (+1)
  • Timer of 5 days (+1)

It’s now impossible for Equilibrium to change these smart contracts on their own! They need approval from either Binance, eosfinex, EOS Cannon or EOS Nation to bring any changes to their existing smart contracts. If 2 of the 4 additional signatories approve a change alongside Equilibrium, then the change can be enacted right away. With only 1 additional signatory, Equilibrium would also have to wait 5 days to reach the required weight to make changes using the eosdtnutoken.active permission. 

Congratulations to Equilibrium, the leading EOS DeFi project by far, for taking such significant steps to increase the security and decentralization of their project. 

With the release of Cross-chain vRam and Universal LiquidAccounts, LiquidApps opened up a whole set of new opportunities for dApp developers and made a huge step towards realizing their multi-chain vision. By using Cross-chain vRam, data that is generated in a smart contract on any chain and stored in vRAM can be accessed by a smart contract on another compatible chain, matching the consensus of both chains. The service utilizes the IPFS mechanism, so all data stored in Cross-Chain vRam is immutable. 

Through Universal LiquidAccounts, a user can sign transactions on any EOSIO chain that enabled LiquidX functionality, with just one account. So in order to play a game on Telos, Wax, BOS or EOS, you don’t need to create an account on each of those networks anymore, you can just use one account for all compatible EOSIO Networks.

We encourage you to watch the latest episode of DAPP Talks to dive deeper, where you can get to know LiquidApps principal engineer Nathan Rempel and listen to him explain all of these new features in detail. Among other topics, he also talked about plans to integrate non-EOSIO blockchains into these cross-chain services and potential cooperations with dfuse.

Alex from dfuse is back on YouTube with a new series of videos on the dfuse architecture, going through an overview of all the components that make up a dfuse instance. Although obviously focused for developers, this video was interesting even for the non-technical members of our team, as it gives us a glimpse into all the interconnected components that make the dfuse magic possible. They are:

  • abicodec
  • apiproxy
  • blockmeta
  • dashboard
  • dgraphql
  • eosq
  • eosws
  • fluxdb
  • merger
  • mindreader
  • node-manager
  • relayer
  • search-archive
  • search-indexer
  • search-live
  • search-router
  • trxdb-loader

The EOS Costa Rica team is becoming a regular in the EOS Hot Sauce, being featured for the third time this month. After developing the enterprise software inter.x with Grant Thornton and their EOS Open Office educational initiative, this week they brought us EOS Rate, an open-sourced dApp that enables EOS Token Holders to signal feedback to Block Producers. Each Block Producer Candidate can be rated in 5 different categories, which are:

  • Transparency: Compliance with disclosure of ownership, complete bp.json, use of rewards, and financial stats.
  • Infrastructure: Stability and reliability of the EOS infrastructure.
  • Trustiness: Collaboration and reputation among the EOS community.
  • Community: Community value creation through education and promoting talks, chats, hackathons, conferences, seminars, developer spaces, and other useful content.
  • Development: Technical know-how and usage of open-source software, scripts, frameworks, wallets, voting portals, metrics, etc.

By rating each BP on a scale from 1-10 in each category, the graphical interface generates a shaped diagram, called LEAF, short for Liquid EOS Attribute Factors.

To participate token holders need to log in with their EOS account. Each account has one non-stake-weighted rating per BP, and data is secured on the EOS blockchain.

Results can also be browsed through a variety of filters, making it easier for token holders to make educated decisions when they participate in the EOS block producer voting.

Go try it out and rate your favourite BPs. And if you need some help to navigate the platform, you can view the short explainer video.

Since the code is open-sourced, we hope to see it used for other rating tools based on EOS.

Maybe for dApps, DSPs, EOSIO networks or something completely unrelated to EOS.

Great job, EOS Costa Rica!

The Upland game just successfully upgraded to the Martini update, which features major improvements to the user experience, introduced leaderboards and challenges, and enhanced the treasure hunts. The team also cleaned up quite a bit behind the scenes, making the gameplay smoother than ever. Their 1000-2000 daily active users had a great opportunity to check out new features during the celebration of the International Museum Day.

For those new to the game, we suggest the Upland Tutorial Video by Upland Central, where old and new features are explained one by one. Another great resource to learn all about Upland is ThankMeLater’s Upland Players and Buyers Guide.

Besides the Martini Update, the team shared some other big news last week, as they teamed up with Linden Lab’s Tilia division, a digital payment solution that supported commerce of about $500 million per year in the Second Life Game.

Upland will be the first third-party customer for Tilia, allowing the citizens of Upland to sell properties for Fiat currencies as Tilia comes with all the regulatory requirements needed. A huge win for Upland!

“What was the missing thing for us was the power for people to be able to extract value out of the game because we strongly believe that we are a new genre of game, where people actually can actually take their assets out of the game,” Dirk Lueth, Co-Founder of Upland said. “We had to have a way to get fiat currency out, and that is how we started working with Tilia.”

“Soon, people will be able to develop their lands and develop businesses,” Lueth said. “People can make objects like virtual cars and sell them and make money. That could blur with the real world.”

KROWN is celebrating it’s first anniversary! 

The KROWN Community is definitely a vivid part of the EOSIO Community and we hope all of our readers claimed their KROWN tokens, which were distributed via Multi-Fairdrops throughout the recent months. One of the highlights of the first year of KROWN for us was the DACathon 2020, which resulted in the MetaDAC and several other amazing projects. 

There are also some other initiatives underway that utilize the KROWN token itself, such as the Round Table Communities and a Health & Wellness network, which are both displayed on the KROWN website.

The best way to keep track of KROWN activities is the KROWN News Channel, which is available in 14 different languages. 

Lots of reasons to celebrate, and that’s exactly the plan as we can see plenty of anniversary activities planned between May 22nd-23rd. Check out this full party calendar.

Congratulations to the KROWN Community!

Bountyblok is getting deeper into the gaming world as the newest member of the Blockchain Gaming Alliance.

Bountyblok has made a lot of progress since its inception and created several tools to gamify user engagement that can easily be integrated into third-party applications. A host or owner of a web or mobile app can create challenges for its users, while Bountyblok tracks the progress and sends notifications. Those tools were already essential for the amazing success of Prospectors launching on WAX and the team just shared data of their first customer Howthemarketworks.com, who used Bountyblok to log over 4.5M million transactions across 270K users. 

Are you curious to learn more? Check out the case studies or request a demo.

koreos.io has been a very important platform for the Korean speaking EOSIO Community, and we were a bit shocked when we found out that the website went offline without much of a comment or warning. But now we’re more than happy to report that a KorEOS is back online with a complete overhaul and a pretty neat new interface.

The new KorEOS has 3 major categories: EOS, EOSIO and FREEOS

  • The EOS category has subcategories for BP, DAPP, Community, Block.one, and Governance.
  • EOSIO so far has no specific subcategories.
  • And FREEOS is were people talk freely about anything they like.

Posts from all categories can be seen on the main page, while the most recent posts and comments are displayed on the right side as a feed.

Great news for our Korean community members and a good opportunity for western teams to showcase their recent activities to Korean token holders.

Ever wondered what an EOS premium name was or how to get one? Check out our latest explainer video to learn all about the power of premium names on EOS.

EOS Nation is a top Block Producer on the EOS public network. We earn inflation rewards based on the percentage of tokens staked towards us. Those rewards are reinvested into EOSIO community, tools, and infrastructure. Help grow the ecosystem by staking your vote to eosnationftw for BP or proxying to proxy4nation

Remember, we never accept compensation in exchange for featuring projects in the EOS Hot Sauce. That means if a project is included in the EOS Hot Sauce it’s because we believe that project brings value to the EOSIO ecosystem and we want our community to know about it!

Are you building an interesting project on EOSIO? We want to hear from you! Reach out to us on social media or email info@eosnation.io. 

Thank you for supporting EOS Nation and for reading this week’s edition of EOS Hot Sauce! Want more spicy updates? Check out some of our recent EOS Hot Sauce episodes!

EOSQ Has Been Discontinued

Find alternatives to explore the blockchain. The EOSQ block explorer is no longer available. Find alternative explorers for EOS, WAX, and Telos, and visualize token transfers with EOS and WAX Detective. Or use Substreams, Subgraphs, and the Pinax Antelope API to build your own!

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dfuse Has Been Discontinued

Access Chain Data With a Free Pinax Pro Plan Learn why dfuse services are no longer available in our announcement. Follow the instructions to replace dfuse with Subgraphs, Substreams and the Pinax Antelope API. Native endpoints are still available from EOS Nation.

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Antelope Spring v1.0 升级指南  

2024年9月25日星期三,EOS 区块链上的节点(BPs)即将执行一次硬分叉,升级至Spring v1.0 blockchain software,完成节点升级并进行 go/no-go 投票。 此次新版本发布引入了新的 Savanna 共识算法,节点也将在9月25日当天激活该算法。 同时还引入了 BLS finalizer keys,所有节点必须使用 spring-util 生成,并在9月25日后使用 eosio regfinkey 操作注册。 升级步骤 所有节点运营商必须在9月25日之前完成以下步骤: 1. 生成快照   2. 停止 nodeos   3. 删除 shared_memory.bin   4. 升级节点软件至 Spring v1.0.0   5. 从每个节点配置中删除 producer-threads 选项   6. 使用 spring-util 生成 finalizer key(s)   7. 从快照重新启动节点   9月25日,网络预计将签署多签交易以激活 BLS 协议功能,允许节点注册其 finalizer keys。 8. BLS 协议功能激活后,使用 eosio

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2 thoughts on “EOS Hot Sauce #56: Hyperion 3.0, Sense Chat 2.0, Decentralization of Equilibrium, Understanding dfuse for EOSIO and More!”

  1. Hello,

    Very interested in contributing to your ecosystem. I am based in Toronto, Canada. Building Circular Economies for Villages in the City.

    Thank you.

    Patrick Carew

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Daniel Keyes

Chief Operating Officer (COO)
Responsibilities include: product management, operations, community
Location: Toronto, Canada

Prior to founding the first EOS community in Toronto and co-founding EOS Nation, Daniel spent a decade in the financial technology industry working several diverse roles. His extensive experience in customer service, sales, sales coaching, agent training, digital marketing, digital process management (lean green belt), and product management (certified scrum master, certified product owner) eventually lead him to consulting for a blockchain dev shop.

Daniel earned a Bachelor of Journalism from Ryerson University in 2009 and worked as a chase producer intern at Global TV.

Daniel lives by the principles of Truth, Love, and Freedom.