Many predict that 2022 will be big for Music NFTs, and so the .gems team decided to kick off the new year with the release of our first Audio-Visual NFT series on EOS.
“Clicktrack” is a collaboration between Gavinski (Audio) and David Wells (Animation), both of whom are beginning their journey into the world of NFTs with their initial NFT release.
The drop is going live on Sunday January 16th at 1500 UTC on AtomicHub with 21 mints available for sale and 9 mints reserved for .gems, Gavinski and David Wells community giveaways.
Gavinski’s style is inspired by his love for the minimalism, psychedelia and ambient music genres. Very much driven by the endless possibilities of digital live performance tools, Gavinksi has a passion for improvisation. He likes to explore a variety of innovative sound generators and aims to go beyond the timeline constraints of traditional DAWs (Digital Audio Workstations).
Over the years Gavinski has built a large community around his passion and shares his knowledge and experience via instrument walkthroughs and demo videos on Youtube, Instagram and Twitter.
In “Clicktrack”, Gavinski designed a beautifully spherical piece that fits the dreamy animation perfectly.
David Wells
The visual aspect of “Clicktrack” is designed by David Wells, a painter, teacher, and animator based in Chicago.
He had his first contact selling digital objects back in 2005 when he generated an income by designing avatars and accessories in Second Live, which is what many would call the first metaverse experience. Now, over a decade later, Web3 and NFTs are in full swing and it’s time for Mr. Wells to step onto the scene and share some of his wonderfully dreamy animations.
In his works he combines his love for physical painting and his passion for digital pixels. Reminiscent of early stop motion animations and children’s drawings, the story that’s being narrated remains mysteriously deep and dadaesque. Follow him on Instagram or visit his website direct at
EOSQ Has Been Discontinued
Find alternatives to explore the blockchain. The EOSQ block explorer is no longer available. Find alternative explorers for EOS, WAX, and Telos, and visualize token transfers with EOS and WAX Detective. Or use Substreams, Subgraphs, and the Pinax Antelope API to build your own!
dfuse Has Been Discontinued
Access Chain Data With a Free Pinax Pro Plan Learn why dfuse services are no longer available in our announcement. Follow the instructions to replace dfuse with Subgraphs, Substreams and the Pinax Antelope API. Native endpoints are still available from EOS Nation.
Antelope Spring v1.0 升级指南
2024年9月25日星期三,EOS 区块链上的节点(BPs)即将执行一次硬分叉,升级至Spring v1.0 blockchain software,完成节点升级并进行 go/no-go 投票。 此次新版本发布引入了新的 Savanna 共识算法,节点也将在9月25日当天激活该算法。 同时还引入了 BLS finalizer keys,所有节点必须使用 spring-util 生成,并在9月25日后使用 eosio regfinkey 操作注册。 升级步骤 所有节点运营商必须在9月25日之前完成以下步骤: 1. 生成快照 2. 停止 nodeos 3. 删除 shared_memory.bin 4. 升级节点软件至 Spring v1.0.0 5. 从每个节点配置中删除 producer-threads 选项 6. 使用 spring-util 生成 finalizer key(s) 7. 从快照重新启动节点 9月25日,网络预计将签署多签交易以激活 BLS 协议功能,允许节点注册其 finalizer keys。 8. BLS 协议功能激活后,使用 eosio