Antelope Spring v1.0 升级指南  

2024年9月25日星期三,EOS 区块链上的节点(BPs)即将执行一次硬分叉,升级至Spring v1.0 blockchain software,完成节点升级并进行 go/no-go 投票。 此次新版本发布引入了新的 Savanna 共识算法,节点也将在9月25日当天激活该算法。 同时还引入了 BLS finalizer keys,所有节点必须使用 spring-util 生成,并在9月25日后使用 eosio regfinkey 操作注册。 升级步骤 所有节点运营商必须在9月25日之前完成以下步骤: 1. 生成快照   2. 停止 nodeos   3. 删除 shared_memory.bin   4. 升级节点软件至 Spring v1.0.0   5. 从每个节点配置中删除 producer-threads 选项   6. 使用 spring-util 生成 finalizer key(s)   7. 从快照重新启动节点   9月25日,网络预计将签署多签交易以激活 BLS 协议功能,允许节点注册其 finalizer keys。 8. BLS 协议功能激活后,使用 eosio … Read more

Daniel Keyes

Chief Operating Officer (COO)
Responsibilities include: product management, operations, community
Location: Toronto, Canada

Prior to founding the first EOS community in Toronto and co-founding EOS Nation, Daniel spent a decade in the financial technology industry working several diverse roles. His extensive experience in customer service, sales, sales coaching, agent training, digital marketing, digital process management (lean green belt), and product management (certified scrum master, certified product owner) eventually lead him to consulting for a blockchain dev shop.

Daniel earned a Bachelor of Journalism from Ryerson University in 2009 and worked as a chase producer intern at Global TV.

Daniel lives by the principles of Truth, Love, and Freedom.