Securing your NFTs
If you are currently using Wax Cloud Wallet, to secure your assets, you first need to secure a new wax account. If you are using EOS, skip to step 2.
Most people are introduced to wax by using a quick and easy Wax Cloud Wallet.
This guide is a quick and easy way to create and start using your own wax account with your own keys. The simplest way to do it is by buying one through the anchor wallet app, creating an account, and transferring your current wax NTFs to the new address.
You may also want to add more layers of security to your account by changing your owner and active keys and maybe even MSIG your account. Having different owner and active keys is a common practice, use the active key for all your transactions but if that key is lost or compromised in any way, you can use your owner key to change it. MSIGs are very common for high-security practices on EOS, in order for a transaction to be created, multiple accounts will need approval.
1. Create a New Account (WAX)
Option 1 – Use Anchor Wallet –
Option 2 (Advanced) – Use
Sign in → Wallet → Create Account
*Keys can be generated using eoskey –
Ok, now you have full control of your account with in hand owner and active keys.
2. (Optional) Next Level Security – Changing Owner and Active Keys –
3. (Optional) Highest Level Security – MSIG your Account –
4. Transfer your funds/NFTs from your old account to the new one using
Sign in → Trading → Transfer