How you can easily turn any EOS account into a proxy account using the wallet tools at
“Proxies are accounts that any account can give rights to, the most common uses for proxies are voting voting proxies which manage voting rights and choose EOS Block Producer candidates on behalf of subscribed accounts. If you don’t know who to vote for but trust a certain community members judgment or option, you can proxy your vote to them.”
1. Log into with the account that you want to create as a proxy account.
2. Go to the wallet tab and look for proxies under list of tools. “here you have the option to create and delete a proxy as well as register or unregister a proxy”
3. Click on “create proxy”, this will pull up a reg proxy action to add details to your proxy account such as display name, background information, website and social media links.
4. Click on “register proxy”
To look up your proxy go to the Aloha EOS Proxy Research Portal.