dfuse Services End August 21 on EOS Jungle4 Testnet: Transition to The Graph

TL;DR: dfuse support for Jungle4 testnet will be discontinued on August 21. Keep an eye out as we release resources to help you transition to The Graph decentralized network.

Pinax and EOS Nation are supporting EOS in its path to The Graph decentralized network, aligning with “Priority 8: The Graph” from the API+ Blue Paper.

To support this transition, on August 21, 2024, EOS Nation’s dfuse services will officially end on the Jungle4 testnet when the testnet executes the Spring 1.0 hard fork.

A month later, on September 25, the EOS mainnet will execute the hard fork. At this time, dfuse services will stop working on EOS mainnet.

As dfuse services are sunset, users will need to move to alternate solutions for accessing on-chain data. Stay informed on the latest recommendations by subscribing.

Alternate Solutions:

Pinax already provides Firehose and Substreams services on EOS, Jungle4, and Kylin. Both technologies are built by StreamingFast, the same team that originally created dfuse.

Pinax has developed foundational modules to help developers use Substreams data in their apps. These Substreams modules are easy to use, with syntax similar to dfuse.

Pinax is working on additional solutions for Antelope data. Articles and announcements that help with this transition will follow in the coming weeks, as EOS approaches the Spring 1.0 hard fork on September 25.

Pinax EOS Substreams are available now, and Substreams is well-tested technology that works with the Spring 1.0 hard fork.

The dfuse software is no longer actively developed, and is no longer supported. As a result, dfuse services will be sunset entirely on EOS and EOS testnets by September 25, 2024. WAX dfuse services will follow a similar timeline.

Several other history solutions, both hosted and open-source, are available:

As the EOS community transitions through the Savannah consensus upgrade, developers should prepare for the hard fork.

Testnet developers and Block Producers should prepare for the August 21 Jungle4 testnet hard fork.

Other developers and Block Producers will need to take these same steps when the mainnet hard forks. This is currently scheduled for September 25.

Make any changes to your workflows now.

The consensus overhaul of the Savanna algorithm unlocks tremendous new capabilities for the EOS Network.

Make sure you are prepared for Spring 1.0 and the Savanna hard fork.

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Daniel Keyes

Chief Operating Officer (COO)
Responsibilities include: product management, operations, community
Location: Toronto, Canada

Prior to founding the first EOS community in Toronto and co-founding EOS Nation, Daniel spent a decade in the financial technology industry working several diverse roles. His extensive experience in customer service, sales, sales coaching, agent training, digital marketing, digital process management (lean green belt), and product management (certified scrum master, certified product owner) eventually lead him to consulting for a blockchain dev shop.

Daniel earned a Bachelor of Journalism from Ryerson University in 2009 and worked as a chase producer intern at Global TV.

Daniel lives by the principles of Truth, Love, and Freedom.